Success Coaching (one on one) with Joel Belmont
– 1 Session Jump Start –
The fastest way to advance your photography, other than our on-location workshop intensives, is through a one-on-one Mentorship with Joel Belmont.
He’ll be able to quickly assess where you are currently at in your photography, guide you through exercises that are not included in the Masterclass – that will help you distill and understand your new creative direction, and keep you accountable with an additional assignment and image critique – giving you constructive feedback on how to make your images even stronger!
All Coaching Sessions happen via Video Conferencing on Zoom, and run around 90 minutes. This is a fantastic addition to our Dynamic Nude Masterclass, as it sets you up for more success with the lessons and assignments, and tailors the learning experience precisely to your individual needs and interests – to help you in the way that works best for you!